Monday, April 6, 2009

Sofi Snapshots

Sufi is trying to adjust to his new changes. He still prefers to be held and within eyesight of Mamma (going to the bathroom has been a difficult challenge for the both of us). His face is doing much better and is on the end of the healing phase. Between his face, cutting in 4 new back teeth the past two weeks, and catching a bad cold the past few days, he is doing well.
Here are a few snapshots when Sufi is content and happy.
Eating always brings a smile to his face. If you want to hold him without him crying and screaming to go back to Mamma, better have some food in hand!!
Hanging out while Kofi gets his haircut!
Bathtime is his second favorite activity!

Here he looks quite American don't you think?
We are preparing to go off the the Doctor's.

Pabbi is the better chef in the family, and one way to keep Sufi from screaming until dinner is to take him for a ride during preperations. However, here he snuck a fry from one of the plates Pabbi was preparing. No wonder why Sufi likes to help make dinner!

And despite the fact, the Sufi does not like watching TV he loves to play with the remotes and pretend he knows what he is doing!