Saturday, November 15, 2008

Chapter Twenty-Five: The Waiting Period Begins (aka: Sent our Dossier Off!)

We finally have a dossier done and it is on its way to Ghana.
It is such a big sigh of relief.
Now the "Waiting Period" begins.
In Ghana, our dossier will be given to the Social Welfare Officer who will invesitgate to make sure this is the right match. Then he will go to court. The Judge will then finalize that decision by giving an adoption decree (we hope). During this time the boys' will need to get their passports. If the decree is given, and if the boys get their passports, then the ball will be back in our court; namely we will then be ready to go to Ghana to file our I-600 and get visa's in order to bring the boys home.

So until then we are going to wait.