Friday, October 10, 2008

Chapter Fifteen: Yard Sale

After a few weeks hiatus, we are back and ready to begin blogging again about our adoption process. Some wonderful blessings happened during this time that we would be remiss if we did not acknowledge them. We have been recieving more donations from some of the most unlikely places. We are truly truly blessed. Many who have donated are truly giving of the widow's mite (St. Mark 14:41-44). We are so grateful for their sacrifice. Thank you everyone who has been so kind and willing to help us!!! We have been blessed to raise over half of what we need to bring Sufi home. We are more and more amazed as we see the Lord work through others to bring about such a beautiful miracle.
We are continuing raising money by having a yard sale.
We were going to have it this weekend, but due to a potential 'snow' we are going to postpone it to the 18th. This will also give us more time to gather materials and recuperate from being gone. We have already had so many donate to this sale, and again we are ever so grateful. Many have even dropped things on our porch anonymously, while we were out. I don't know who you were, but we thank you from the bottom of our hearts!!!!!

For those of you who live in the area, we will be having our yard sale at:

640 West 800 North

We will be starting at 9:00 am and going until everything is sold... or at least until late afternoon.

We will continue to recieve donated items until the end of the sale. You are welcome to drop items off whenever you can or schedule a time when we can pick them up from you.

Again THANK YOU for your support and love!